Co-existing with Bears and Wolves
Cortes is home to bears and wolves. We need to keep them wild and everybody safe. Learn what you can do to help.
Western Screech Owl Project
These little owls are at risk. We are taking part in surveys to find out more and help protect them.
Sea Star Monitoring – Get Involved!
We are working with Hakai Institute to monitor the health of local sea stars. Learn how you can take part!
Species at Risk
Cortes Island has a wealth of wildlife, including a large number of species at risk. Check them out!
Streams and Salmon
Cortes Island Stream Keepers play a vital role monitoring, protecting and enhancing local streams and salmon.
Community Education
Our events and education programs are a great way to get involved, be inspired, learn and discover.
Parks and Trails
We maintain the island’s regional parks, trails and beach accesses, keeping them beautiful for everyone to enjoy.
Marine Stewardship
From rocky cliffs to sandy beaches and shallow lagoons to deep gorges, Cortes Island has a diverse array of marine habitats.
Love the Lakes
Our lakes are under threat and need care. We are working to protect them, and encouraging everyone to help.
Nature Is Good For You – on CKTZ!
“Nature is Good for You” is a series to inspire you to get out, connect with nature and refresh mind, body and soul!
Sensitive Ecosystems
There are a variety of sensitive ecosystems found on the island. Find out more about the sensitive ecosystems around you!
Newt X-ing Project
Rough-skinned newts live on our island year-round and are at risk from road fatalities. Learn about our Next X-ing Project here!.
Friends of Cortes Island Society (FOCI) is a charitable organization that has been active for over 25 years. Our organization exists to monitor and preserve the health of local ecosystems, and to provide educational programs that foster a greater understanding of the natural environment. Through all of our projects, we work to promote environmental integrity through community responsibility.